How to Get PUBG UC in Pakistan Via MidasBuy, Easypaisa, Jazz Cash online buying

The PUBG excitement isn’t something new. People have been fascinated by the game for a long time. But, it’s one of the most well-known gaming apps on the web. The PUBG game has been downloaded more than 1 million times by mobile phones across the globe. How to Purchase UC Midas-buy Jazz cash Easy paisa

If you like playing this game, then the following post is perfect for you. This article will teach you how to purchase UC to play this PUBG game played in Pakistan. Find Midasbuy Pakistan, pubg Pakistan, Midasbuy Pakistan Easypaisa, Midasbuy Pakistan JazzCash, and Midasbuy Pakistan carding UC online best ways. Let’s get this party going.

Price in PKR PUBG UC Packages
PKR 20 UC 7
PKR 75 UC 30+2
PKR 150 UC 60+3
PKR 750 UC 300+40
PKR 1,500 UC 600+90
PKR 3,900 UC 1500+375
PKR 7,900 UC 3000+1000
PKR 15,900 UC 6000+2400

Follow the steps below If you’re planning to purchase the product through an online service. After that, I’ll help you understand the process by describing ways to help you choose the best option.

Purchase PUBG the UC on Midasbuy Pakistan with Easypaisa

To obtain UC via the Easypaisa method, follow the steps in following steps:

  • To begin, visit the Midasbuy Pakistan official website. Midasbuy.Pk also called Midasbuy Pakistan is a PUBG-certified website on which gamers can purchase games and U.C.
  • You can find a flag selection right at the very top. Select Pakistan as your country after which select ‘Go’ at the end of the screen.
  • Select “Purchase” from the drop-down menu. You’ll have several choices to fill in like your Player ID, payment method, and Choose Product.
  • There are some choices beneath Select Product. You can select the one you prefer according to your UC requirements. Choose it, then click on the Pay Now option.
  • You’ll be taken to a different page where you’ll be asked to enter your number. The first step is to confirm that the number is an easy Paisa account.
  • Select the “Approval Button on the menu and then you’re completed.
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Purchase PUBG U from Midasbuy Pakistan with Jazz Cash

The steps to use Jazz Cash are the same as those mentioned previously. After that, go back to Midasbuy Pk, initially known by the name Midasbuy PUBG. To use the Easy Paisa method, follow the same procedure as you did before. The only change is that you’ll choose the option ‘Jazz Cash’ rather than Easy Paisa.

Alternative Methods

Other than these two possibilities, there are two more ways to earn UC to play this PUBG game: with cards or using Telenor. If you enter your Player ID into Pubg Midasbuy UC you are required to select payment options and the two choices are available.

Choose the car by clicking on the bar. Choose the card you’d like to use to pay for your UC then you’ll be set to start. Similarly, you could choose Telenor in this instance.

This means that purchasing UC to play PUBG within Pakistan is not a problem anymore. Purchase UC and use the most advanced features in PUBG.

Final Words:

The game came out on the 21st of March in 2018 and has received much attention since the day it was released. If, however, you’re one of the players who have ever encountered difficulties making payments for UC then you can now pay on the Midasbuy Pakistan website is accessible. The Midasbuy team is at it for a long time to ensure that the UC payment process is secure and secure.